About Us

Lockstown Practice is an established surgery which is known to offer excellent medical care and covers a large area in the Willenhall. It is located at Willenhall Medical Centre in Gomer Street, Willenhall, WV13 2DR. Our site has wheelchair access, disabled parking and disabled toilets in addition to lift access for any first floor appointment.
Lockstown Practice is the 3rd best rated GP in Wolverhampton South East, ranking 3rd out of 19 GPs according to Healthsay's overall score. 87% of the patients say they have a good overall experience at this GP (74% National Average) and it is rated as "Good" by the CQC
In 2011 we were accredited as a training practice. You may be offered an appointment with the GP Registrar, who is a fully qualified doctor undertaking additional training in order to specialise in General Practice.
Since 2018 we have also been working in partnership with Aston Medical School in Birmingham to educate new medical students. We are veteran friendly practice .